Ecstra Foundations’s latest newsletter: Women’s work and financial wellbeing. As we pass the anniversary of Australia's initial COVID lockdowns, it has been a year of significant challenge and change.
Money Talks for Better Ageing Project
Ecstra launches $2 million grant round to help strengthen economic security of women
Ecstra Foundation today launches the $2 million Women’s Economic Security Project grant round. The grants support charities and established social enterprises building financial wellbeing through innovative employment opportunities and tailored financial capability support for women across Australia. Read the news article published by Kidspot on how to spot the signs of financial abuse featuring insights from Redfern Legal Centre, Economic Abuse Reference Group and Ecstra Foundation.
Coercive control: Signs your partner is using money to abuse you
Ecstra Foundation is supporting crucial frontline community services, that help thousands of women and men impacted by financial abuse. News article published by Kidspot to highlight the issues of financial abuse faced by many people around Australia. Featuring expert insights from Redfern Legal Centre, Economic Abuse Reference Group and Ecstra Foundation.
Financial wellbeing and older Australians
Ecstra Foundation announces funding to eight organisations across Australia working to support the financial wellbeing of older Australians.
With a total grant pool of $1,000,000 the Financial Wellbeing and Ageing Well Grants focus on pragmatic, practical assistance and resources that engage older consumers, to help them navigate financial decisions during this life stage and to build economic resilience.
Be aware of buyer beware
Even before COVID struck, one in three Australians reported that they found dealing with money stressful. This has only worsened during the pandemic.
Providing targeted financial support to those in need, and resources for Australians to improve their financial knowhow can help navigate the economic crisis and contribute to the recovery effort.
Collaboration to build financial resilience of charities
Little Dreamers launches new 24/7 online support platform for young carers
Welcome back to much-loved street vendors
Community-led approach to financial capability
Indigenous communities are helping their next generation of leaders build financial capability and wellbeing through practical training and toolkits.
Funding for the new Catchin’ Up Project in Gippsland, empowers Indigenous leaders with practical money skills to share money lessons for life in their communities
Supporting community in this year of welcome
Community radio supports consumers through financial upheaval
Rapid response funding supports vital community recovery
Ecstra Foundation announces Response and Recovery grants totalling $3.3 million to 50 organisations, ensuring crucial immediate support as well as investment for the long road to economic recovery.
As parts of Australia start to open again, the economic impact of the COVID crisis will deepen for many Australians. Community organisations on the financial frontline are dealing with urgent consumer money problems. They are also anticipating an influx of consumer financial issues related to job insecurity and loss, social security support uncertainty, existing and deferred debts, and depleted household savings.
Support for communities to Reconnect
As part of the $3 million funding to support the Response and Recovery during COVID-19, Ecstra Foundation is proud to partnering with ICAN.
“Reconnect is another great example of when government, philanthropy, industry and the community sector come together in response to a community crisis. The positive outcomes of our ‘Reconnect’ strategy will far outlast this current COVID-19 situation,” said Aaron Davis, CEO of ICAN.
Young Changemakers work with charities to make money go further
As part of the $1 million funding for Community Foundations across Australia, Ecstra Foundation is proud to partnering with the Inner North Community Foundation in Melbourne.
Based on the success of the Young Changemakers pilot program in Melbourne’s inner north, where students learn practical skills while working with local charities.
Connecting communities across Australia
Laptops for learning
As part of the $3 million funding to support those on the financial frontline with Response and Recovery during COVID-19, Ecstra Foundation is proud to partnering with ABCN.
Ecstra Foundation has partnered with the extraordinary initiative with ABCN to offer #Laptopsforlearning to supply free laptops to students who don’t have a suitable device at home for remote learning.
Thanks to all who took part in the Response and Recovery grant round
Thank you to all those who applied for the Response and Recovery grant round, it has now closed. There are so many community organisations on the financial frontline helping Australians in financial need. The response to this grant highlights the immense strain communities are under as the financial repercussions of COVID-19 continue to unfold.
Supporting organisations on the financial frontline of COVID-19
Money matters and women
In 2020 International Women’s Day is so much more than a single day. The celebrations started in the weeks leading up to, and now following, the official date of 8 March. IWD acknowledges the many social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.