Our advisory groups

Ecstra convenes advisory panels on specific projects and related policy issues to inform our program of work. Panels include research and frontline specialists, people with lived experience and leaders in consumer, education and financial capability sectors.

Financial Expert Advisory Panel

Ecstra’s Financial Expert Advisory Panel provides informed guidance, advice and recommendations on Ecstra’s financial education initiatives.

Through consultation with the advisory panel, Ecstra seeks to ensure that its approaches to financial education remain best practice, that all resources and materials reflect contemporary issues, and a diverse range of stakeholder needs are considered.

  • Allan Dougan - CEO, Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers

  • Sheila Griffin - Math consultant

  • Roset Khair - Vice President, Economics and Business Educators, NSW

  • Gayle Mackenzie - Billanook College

  • Danielle Flack - Kardinia International College

  • Phil Usher - CEO, First Nations Foundation

  • Paul Holmes - Director Disaster Relief, Legal Aid Qld

  • Rachna Madaan-Bowman - Financial Counsellor, South-East Community Links

  • Jozica Kutin - General Manager Policy, Good Shepherd

  • Paul Gerrans - Professor of Finance, University of Western Australian

  • Michelle Cull - Associate Professor, Western Sydney University

Women’s Reference Group

The Women’s Economic Security Project reference group provided expertise, diverse experience, insights and feedback on the Women’s project program of grants. The reference group assisted in the assessment of shortlisted applications for the Women's Economic Security Project open grant round announced in May 2021.

  • Dana Beiglari – Chair of Reference Group, Ecstra Board Member

  • Lacey Filipich - Founder, Money School

  • Louise Sylvan – Chair, Energy Consumers Australia, Non-Executive Director (various)

  • Seema Sanghi – Regional Coordinator, Cooperative Legal Service Delivery, Legal Aid NSW

  • Rebecca Thomas – Executive Director, Impact Investing, Social Ventures Australia 

Talk Money Advisory Group

Talk Money with Ecstra Foundation was developed by education experts in collaboration with a financial education advisory group. The advisory group provided diverse experience, insights and feedback during development of the Talk Money program.

  • Rachna Bowman - Senior Practitioner, Financial Wellbeing Program at South East Community Links

  • Allan Dougan - CEO, Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers (AAMT)

  • Grace Draper - Youth National Reference Group of headspace

  • Janine Farah - National Operations Manager, Young Change Agents

  • Amber Finn - ABCN Accelerate program

  • Rachel Noonan - 2020 Premier’s First State Super Financial Literacy and Capability Teaching Scholarship recipient

  • Dr Tracey West - Lecturer, Griffith University Business School (now Financial Education Manager at Ecstra Foundation)