Ecstra Foundation is a not for profit organisation committed to building the financial capability and wellbeing of Australians within a fair financial system.

We work with partners to ensure that more Australians are confident making money decisions today and are planning for the future.

Talk Money with Ecstra Foundation

Learning about money is a lifelong journey.

Ecstra launched Talk Money with Ecstra Foundation in 2022, a national program designed to help Australian school students learn money lessons for life, to be confident talking about money and to make informed financial decisions.

Talk Money with Ecstra Foundation offers facilitator led workshops for Years 5-10 students and additional resources to reinforce learning and key concepts in class and at home. The program is provided at no cost to schools, enabling more students across Australia to access financial education at key life stages.

Thanks to our community of partner schools, teachers, students and the facilitation team, Talk Money has grown to become Australia's largest face to face, free, schools based financial education program.  

Our Talk Money 2023 Impact Report shares key data on program reach, evaluation outcomes and participant feedback. The results all show Talk Money is making a positive impact, helping teach students money lessons for life.

To learn more and to book a program visit our website Talk Money with Ecstra Foundation.

Ecstra Foundation 2023 Impact Report

Ecstra's 2023 Impact report celebrates our partnerships, progress and outcomes to date, contributing to the financial capability and wellbeing of Australians across all life stages.

Over four years, Ecstra has worked with 134 partners across Australia, committing to 184 grants and $33 million in funding to support a range of financial education, consumer care and community initiatives. This includes measuring and sharing outcomes. 

Read the report here.

Research report: Opportunities for Australia to improve financial literacy approach - June 2024

New research commissioned by Ecstra Foundation shows that many countries, including Australia, continue to grapple with how to improve financial literacy in the face of economic and social headwinds. The findings suggest that Australia could learn a lot from the approaches of other countries.

The report, “International Approaches to Progressing Financial Capability: An Overview”, by Social Ventures Australia (SVA), looks at international trends in financial literacy and capability, and identifies key ideas and approaches that may be relevant to the Australian context.

Read the report here.

Women’s Economic Security Project 2023 Impact Report 

The Women's Economic Security Project was launched to address the barriers to employment, financial participation, and economic security experienced by many women and their families in Australia. The project aims to empower women by providing them with the necessary support, skills and opportunities to help them take control of their financial futures. 

The Report shares the outcomes and stories from some of our 23 partners and 32 grants with $10 million in total committed to initiatives across Australia. 

Read our Women’s Economic Security Project 2023 Impact Report.


Survey findings show strong support for financial education in schools

Ecstra’s Financial Education in Schools survey: Key insights reveals that financial education is highly valued by parents, students and teachers, with 98% of parents agreeing it should be taught in schools. The survey of over 2,000 Australians provides insights on the topics students want to learn more about, teachers’ views on making financial education effective and how to better support money conversations at home. The findings helped inform the development of our financial education in schools programs.

Read Ecstra’s Financial Education in Schools survey: Key insights



About Ecstra, and why financial capability matters.


OUR impact

Our partnerships, grants and impact.



Sharing the outcomes and impact of our partners and our grants.


Consumer resources

Resources including articles, tools, courses and referral pathways.