Young people

The knowledge, skills, and habits we have as adults are greatly influenced by what we learn and develop during childhood and adolescence.

Equipping young people with financial knowledge and good money habits early not only positively impacts their own financial wellbeing into adulthood, but also benefits communities and our economy. This is because financial capability impacts many areas of life such as housing, employment, physical and emotional wellbeing, and security in retirement.

However, research shows that financial literacy levels in Australia are lowest among those aged 15-24. Maths, science and reading levels of Australian students also continue to decline. There is a clear link between low maths and reading performance and low financial literacy.

With the rapid growth of fintech, the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on young people’s job security and an increasingly complex financial and consumer landscape, it is vital that young people have access to the support and financial education they need to make informed decisions, build financial resilience and navigate this period of uncertainty.

Below is a selection of Ecstra Foundation partnerships that seek to improve the financial capability and wellbeing of young people in Australia.

Hobsons Bay Community Fund

Financial capability for students

This project with Hobsons Bay Community Fund saw the development and delivery of two peer co-designed financial literacy programs to strengthen the financial knowledge and capability of students and young people in southwest Victoria.

This included a peer built and delivered financial literacy program, in 6 high schools over two years reaching approximately 750 students. A second program was the co-design of 8 financial literacy modules to be delivered by TAFE students to upper high school students, early school leavers and special needs students.

May 2020 - June 2021

Kids Camps Inc TA Cahoots (Cahoots)

Financial capability for young people

Cahoots supports children and young people with disabilities, from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds, and others who face exceptional challenges by running camps and programs that give young people learning experiences to support their growth as individuals.

Ecstra’s support enabled Cahoots to deliver accessible and culturally appropriate online financial capability education. Cahoots hosted training sessions on an online platform and promoted across the sector Australia-wide.

Jul 2020 - Dec 2021

Little Dreamers Australia

Young Carers Financial Capability Program – Dreamers Hub

Ecstra partnered with Little Dreamers to deliver a Dreamers Hub financial literacy series, spanning over six months, including podcasts, worksheets and tailored support for young carers. The series provided support to young carers on money matters and aims to increase their financial capability – with young carers often assuming extra familial financial responsibilities such as managing family budgets, paying bills and grocery shopping.

An interactive community full of resources, forums, games and instant support, the Dreamers Hub aims to improve the mental health, and increase social opportunities, for young carers. Educational content ranges from resume masterclasses, money matters, study skills, careers guidance and more.

A young carer is anyone under the age of 25 who provides, or intends to provide, care for a family member with a disability, illness or addiction.

Jul 2020 - Mar 2021

Australian Business and Community Network

Laptops for Learning

Australian Business and Community Network (ABCN) provides mentoring programs to students at low socio economic status schools. The COVID-19 crisis and move to increased use of remote learning further exposed the digital divide faced by many students. Ecstra’s funding helped ABCN purchase laptops from WorkVentures (a social enterprise that helps young people build careers in IT) to assist 1000 students who did not have access to suitable equipment. Optus donated data packs. 

ABCN is a current Ecstra grant partner, delivering programs designed to build students’ financial capability skills.

ABCN Annual Impact Report 2023

Apr 2020 - Jun 2020

Inner North Community Foundation

Young Changemakers project

Ecstra supported the scaling of the Young Changemakers program and evaluation by Inner North Community Foundation (INCF). The program involves students at participating high schools running a small grants process to commit funding to three local charities.

The program aims to increase students’ financial capability through experiential learning - managing project budgets, allocating funds, reporting as well as learning about vulnerability, and the value of philanthropy.  

May 2020 - Sep 2021