18 February 2021
Money Talks for Better Ageing Project
Ecstra Foundation granted Australian Multicultural Community Services (AMCS) with funding for the Money Talks for Better Ageing project, which aims to strengthen the financial wellbeing of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) seniors.
The program provides equitable access to information and resources about financial abuse for seniors to make informed financial decisions, either by themselves or with family or carers.
Facilitated by Seniors Rights Victoria, Financial Counselling Victoria (FCVic) and local financial counsellors, the project successfully completed two co-design online workshops with more than 100 CALD seniors from metropolitan Melbourne.
The first co-design workshop Money Talking Day provided a platform to:
capture seniors’ stories of financial mistreatment
share any concerns and experiences
explore seniors’ understanding on financial risks with abuse
discuss challenges in accessing information and resources with like-minded people.
Read more about the outcomes of each workshop at: Money Talks for Better Ageing