Previous grant rounds
Women’s Economic Security Project Grant
This round closed on 12 February 2021
Women’s Economic Security Project
The Women's Economic Security Project Grant round supports charities and social enterprises building financial wellbeing through innovative employment opportunities and tailored support for women.
This round has now closed.
Response and recovery grants: Now closed
This round closed on 30 April 2020.
Ecstra Response and Recovery Grants: Closes 30 April
The Response and Recovery grant round aims to assist community organisations during COVID-19.
This round has now closed.
Financial wellbeing and ageing well grants: Now closed
This round closed on 30 April 2020.
Financial wellbeing and ageing well
The Financial Wellbeing and Ageing Well Grants focus on pragmatic, practical assistance and resources that engage older Australians and support their financial decision making.
This round has now closed.
Building community financial capability: Now closed
Community Foundations
Communities are building their financial future with education, training and community programs. These grants empower communities to create and scale initiatives which address issues of financial capability, inclusion and economic equality at a local level.
This round is now closed.